Explore the Waterworks
What to see and do
If you love England’s industrial heritage you’ll love a visit to Twyford Waterworks. Our open days are full of the sights, sounds and colour of our past. Each day is different, but expect to see vintage vehicles, railway models, tours of the works and see our unique triple expansion engine. Don’t miss our lovely wildlife area with a pond.
There are trails around the works and the nature areas.
Check out the site for yourself using the interactive map above. Click on the labels and find out about each feature.

The Trust also manages the land above the lime kilns as a nature reserve which attracts a rich mixture of birds, mammals, butterflies, dragonflies and other insects. The old meadows and hedgerows have been enhanced by the creation of a
pond and the addition of a
bird hide. A nature trail guides
visitors around the reserve
where they can enjoy the
peaceful surroundings.